Centrafix™ resources
The Centrafix™ installation method is an alternative solution to the New Zealand Building Code standard installation method.
This new BRANZ Appraised and Codemark Certified installation method recesses the window or door back inside the building wall, minimising thermal losses which occur in a typical installation. This aligns all insulation elements – wall, window frame, glazing – and prevents cold air from circulating around the window and door frames.
To further simplify the Centrafix™ installation method, we have several resources available to help you quickly and easily understand how the components fit together.
We have interactive animated 3D assembly models available for several key Metro Series ThermalHEART with Centrafix™ products.
Use the Working Spec models on your device to interact with the assembly from all angles. You can also download QR codes to include in your submissions.
This comprehensive guide is available online and contains the latest product drawings and technical details to support product installation.
EBOSS is an online library of product catalogues from New Zealand's leading architectural product suppliers, including our Altherm, First and Vantage brands.
Products in the EBOSS library contain scope of use, limitations and building code compliance information, plus product literature like drawings, CAD and BIM, warranties, appraisals and more.